Jan 6, 2007

this time, you've gone too far

I have been lacking as of late in my blogging duties, on all of my blogs. Even Myspace, my regular haunt, has been fairly empty. I wrote a ticked-off one liner earlier today, but that was it. I do apologize, things here have been very....let's just say....stressful.

I'm realizing more and more what I'm putting up with is not something I ever wanted for myself. I'm settling, in a lot of aspects of my life, and it's time I step up and do something about that. I want to be respected and treated well, and I will no longer stand for anything less.

Chaos has been reigning supreme recently. We've been doing a lot of housecleaning, Chad especially since he's not working. He spent five hours (!) cleaning the bedroom the other day (how sad is it that it TOOK five hours to clean?), and it came out spotless. Closet and everything I'm impressed. I didn't fully realize how a messy environment made me feel until tonight, when I walked in from the other room. It hit me like a brick as soon as I walked in, a sense of peace. When it's messy, I feel, at the very least, stressed.

My heart is aching lately for a friend of mine and her troubles. All I can say at this time is I feel her pain, and I think I can empathize. I've been considering her decision as well more and more lately, sadly. It breaks my heart that she's going through such a hard time.

So school's not happening this semester. I'm really angry about it - I HAD to follow the plan, or I didn't have a prayer of getting into the program fall of 2008. Now I'll have to wait until fall of 2009 at the earliest - no way! Not doing it. I'm almost 23 years old and still don't have a degree? No frickin' way. I'm not working for X.XX an hour, UNDER the poverty line, until I'm 27 years old. Not to mention that puts off having kids even longer. So I think I'll be changing my major. Photojournalism and web design are top choices right now. I know, I know. web design, and I've got a generic template on my Blogger? Well, that's what SCHOOL's for! :)

Alright, I'm done. I might do the Friday's Feast later (late, I know) but right now I'm not in the mood. Hope you're doing well, readers! (If there are any....-sniff-)....

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