Aug 23, 2006

I'm falling asleep at the keyboard.

I'm discovering that since Chad left yesterday afternoon, I'm not so good at being without him for very long. I don't know how military wives can stand it - life isn't so beautiful when my husband isn't around.

And we're considering him entering the military....psssh.

I have work tonight, as I do every day this week, and the only thing that sounds remotely appealing is a very long nap.

I wonder what Chad's doing right now - probably sitting in a conference, trying not to yawn.

We practiced taking blood pressure today in class. I was completely confused until I did it. I'm such a kinetic "hands on" type of learner...I really think nursing might be completely right for me in so many avenues.

My alarm clock's sound is the one sound in the world I'd rather shoot myself in the foot then to hear willingly. It's become a major consideration to throw it out the window this week.

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