Jan 19, 2007

Tagged by my darling Stephanie!

1) Who is the one person (real, fictional, doesn't matter) that you most admire, and why?
I'm not sure that I have a one particular person in mind, but any of my female married friends that are steadfast in their faith, steadfast in their determination for their education/career, and steadfast in their unwavering love for their husband/family. I aspire to be like that, with all my heart. I want to be the "Proverbs wife" - that woman who's able to get up at dawn, work to take care of her family, and never let her husband or children feel unloved or unappreciated.

2) If you could drop everything and take a free plane ticket to anywhere on Earth, where would you go?
I think I'm honestly more inclined towards beautiful, tropical places, like Turks and Cacaos, Greece, or the Bahamas, but I think if I could go anywhere right now, I'd pack up and take my hubby to Paris for an extended vacation. We both wish we could go there so badly, we love the language and culture, and it would be an ideal vacation.

3) What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Now if I told you that, it wouldn't be a secret, would it? ;) Seriously though, I love curling up with a yummy drink (strawberry daquiri or margarita if I'm feeling alcoholically inclined, but if not, a delicious A&W root beer float!), curling up on the couch in my favorite new PJ pants, and watching a good chick flick, like The Notebook, Brokedown Palace, or Wicker Park.

4) Describe the best moment of your life.
This one took me a minute to answer. There have been a lot of really wonderful moments in my life, but I think it's a toss up between two moments. The first being, my full-length solo of "I Will Always Love You" at my senior show choir finale, end of my senior year. I was terrified, as it was the first time most of my classmates had heard me sing, and my entire family was in the front row - my mother sobbing most of the way through it while videotaping her little heart out. I dedicated that song to her before the start. I can't sing it or listen to it anymore without crying.

The other "best moment" would have to be when Chad proposed. I was so in love with that boy, I couldn't see straight - still am, of course. We were sitting on the couch in my roommate and I's house, and we had been celebrating our reuniting (he had just moved back to the area two weeks prior, after visiting me the month before) with a lot of crying on my part, haha. He took my hands in his, pulled me on his lap, looked me in the eyes and said, "Amber R**** M*****, I love you with all my heart. Will you be my wife?" It was so impromptu, so sudden, and so wonderful all at once - but I actually said "maybe" originally! Of course, I told him "YES!" later!

5) As a little kid, what did you imagine yourself being when you grew up?
A Grammy-winning singer. I didn't want to be anything else until I was nineteen and had the wind knocked out of my sails after experiencing "the real world" for a year. I still have dreams and aspirations, of course, but I'm afraid I'll regret not pursuing it.

Want me to interview you? Let me know in the comments and I'll give you five questions to answer in your own blog!

And btw, my loves - I'm going to be starting up a new blog here pretty soon - there are a few people reading this that I don't wish to anymore, plus I think I'd like a new start. I'll be sure to let you all know the link, just let me know you want it!


Anonymous said...

Nice to see a new post on here :)

You can interview me if you want to. I'm on day 9 of a vicious cold and am shut in my apartment and bored out of my mind (not that being bored is such a bad thing!)

I hope you are doing well! Keep me posted on the new blog if you do move!

Anonymous said...

Believe me - you can't go wrong with France OR the Bahamas! Thanks for sharing a fun blog post.

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