Oct 29, 2006

you can't feel my anger, you can't feel my pain

I doubt there's even anyone still reading this, but a short update before you read this entry: Chad and I both lost our jobs this past week/ten days, and both cars are broken down. Rough times right now.

-end update-

I've taken up a hobby! My MIL and I went out to the mall and Target yesterday, and I picked up a large amount of different kinds of yarn, knitting needles, crochet needles, and how-to books. I've taken up knitting....-cue Twilight Zone theme song-

I'm becoming an old married geezer.

It's starting to be fun though, after starting and stopping and undoing 29843 needles' worth of started work, and at least twelve hours now of a frustrated attempt. I've started to get pretty decent though, and I've settled in on a deep scarlet, thick, fuzzy yarn to make a scarf from. I want to make a blanket eventually with two skeins each of a pale blue and sage green furry yarn, which are super soft and I think will turn out nicely once I get the hang of it.

Our house is great, but on the old side. It was built in the 1940s, and thus has baseboard heating. I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with this concept, but let me assure you - IT SUCKS. The heating and hot water run off of heating oil, which is expensive and tends to run out quickly in the winter. Thus, showers take at least fifteen minutes to get hot enough, and the house is always cold except at 3:00 in the afternoon. Our windows are not sealed, and our bed is beneath one window in our room. It's like the Arctic in there at night. We have two thick comforters we sleep with, and curl around each other, and we're still cold! But at least there's more excuses for snuggling closer. :)

Finally got to talk to Joey a bit today - that's always good. It's been forever since we've been able to talk on the phone. Mostly Vonage's fault though - I'm about to throw the dang thing out the frickin' window. It screws up daily, and you never know when you'll be able to dial out or check voicemail. God forbid we have a crisis and have to call 911.

Went back to church this morning, first time since May. Not much to report there. The new youth pastor and his wife are our age, and seem really sweet. He's leaving Wednesday for missions to Haiti. I pray his safety, anointing, and rapid, safe return.

I've been super moody the last several days, and have been fighting constantly with the roommates and Chad. He's gotten onto my case at least twice now about snapping at them. Good thing he's a people-pleaser so I don't end up getting us kicked out when I say stupid things. - sigh- I've got to learn to keep my mouth shut when I'm angry. I get so frustrated though, when Mike eats half of our groceries and uses three quarters of a bottle of expensive clothes detergent when we're both (technically) unemployed with no car and have to rely on those things. I just think he's totally inconsiderate, and he continues to do these things, while I continue to get angrier and angrier. Then there's the issue with Bobby having had our computer now for two months and not even taken a single look at it, after repeated inquiries and requests and begging, and him yelling at me for not doing chores that belong to Mike to begin with. He is not my father or my husband, and needs to back off.

Alright, there is an upside to all of this drama. Chad's gone into busness with his uncle, and is already starting off very well. He's likely making a great deal more than the two of us were making together, and I'm happy about that. He's been gone all day long the last week though, which has been difficult, but I have to get rid of this selfishness and remind myself that it's for our well-being, and find ways to occupy my time other than TV and limited internet. Lo and behold, the knitting. :) I may have some administrative work from the two of them, making phone calls and such for them, gathering information and all that. I don't mind a bit, keeps me further busy.

Aaaaaaaaand, I do have a car coming, and Chad's car is supposed to be going into a shop tomorrow or Tuesday to get the stupid timing belt problem fixed. So that's that. I can finally start running into the city, run errands and get lost in Starbucks and Borders again.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber, I'm sorry to hear about all the job and car drama, but glad to hear that there is an upside to all of it :) I'll say a prayer for you in hope that it all gets resolved quickly.

And we can be married geezers together. With my quilting, knitting, and cross-stitch sometimes I feel more like an eighty year old than a twenty-eight year old...except that at eighty I somehow don't think I'd be "with child" ;) Enjoy your new hobby!

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