Nov 6, 2006

mine immaculate dream, made breath and skin

Hmmm....what to write, what to write. Good news to start with: my new car came home yesterday. She's lovely, I'll post pictures as soon as I get 'em done.

Chad and I have decided that when we build our own house, we're going to have a darkroom for developing all the pictures we take. You should hear all the ideas we've got...put 2 artistic people together in a marriage, it's one chaotic, beautiful mess.

I've been cleaning my little heart out today. The bedroom is getting all prettified. It's been dusted, all the laundry's being done, I've picked up all the mess on the floor, straightened the tables and their contents, made the bed, installed the new flat screen computer monitor and took out the old one, and organized all these insane cords running around my desk. This room is a fire hazard.

I've been going through a bunch of my old CDs today, and it's amazing what I've missed. Good stuff, especially the random mix CDs my best friend Libby made me back in Indiana. Those bring back so many zillions of memories. Then there's the CDs that my ex-friend S made me, lots of Christian rock mixed with some Limp Bizkit and Nirvana. Haha. He had eclectic taste, just like me.

I totally skipped my first Thursday Thirteen last week, whoops!

Alright, off to go work on my sad little mess of a "blanket" I'm knitting. Oy vey. :)

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