Nov 4, 2006

asking all the devils for your face in the trees

Oh, happy day! Chad and I acquired a nearly brand-new computer for FREE last night. It's beautiful, runs wonderfully, and came with a flat-screen monitor AND printer/scanner/fax/copier. 67 GB hard drive, too. I'm ecstatic! God bless his business, we're finding all kinds of things.

So I had a piercing headache last night, decided to go to bed instead of take something for it. I woke up at 545 this morning with Chad so we could both get ready for the yard sale we're having this weekend. My headache was back, with a vengeance, so I stayed in bed. I woke up a little bit ago, and no headache, but the house is freezing cold - 57 degrees! I checked the boiler, and it's not lit. I click the button, it lights for about thirty seconds, then shuts off. I did this four times, and the stupid thing won't stay lit. So that means cold house and no hot water until we can get it figured out. We might just be out of heating oil, but I don't know. Sometimes I hate living in an old house. :(

Alright, off to download my masses of music now - I'm missing my 2000 songs off the old computer...-sob- Love to all!

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