Nov 21, 2006


I'm out of ideas for a subject line.

I registered for school today, for the spring semester. I'm taking ENG111 - Expository Writing, ACA111 - College Student Success (only because it's required, I'm annoyed that I have to pay for this worthless class), PSY150 - General Psychology (repeat from Indiana, but I'm not wasting time with the transfer paperwork when I didn't get an A in the class, I'll just repeat it), DRA122 - Oral Interpretation (course description: "introduces the dramatistic study of literature through performance. Emphasis is placed on analysis and performance of poetry, drama, and prose fiction". Translation: CHA-CHING.) and, sadly, MAT070 - Introductory Algebra. I'm so bad at math, it's just not my thing. That and chemistry. They were both my downfalls in high school.

This summer, I'll take my Anatomy and Physiology course, then in the fall I'll take Bio, Chem, MAT080, and any other classes left. I might take the math class during the summer too, considering that's quite the course load for me - everything I'm bad at in one semester.

I skipped Mary Kay training tonight; the weather was atrocious. I'll go next Toesday. I spent the evening with Chad at his parents' house; Dad made his famous chili, and Mom and I watched both episodes of Gilmore Girls. I love nights like these...even though Chad and I came home, and we're promptly fighting again.

Thanksgiving is Thursday, and I'm so relieved. We're spending the night at the 'rents house tomorrow night, Mom's coming to get me in the morning and we're going shopping fo groceries. That reminds me, I need to turn the ringer back on, Anna's calling me in the morning too (my Senior National Sales Director for MK).

I've had a bad day, so I'm out - but I wanted to remember what I did today.
'night all...

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