Dec 1, 2006

Friday's Feast Numero Uno

Friday's Feast #1

Have you ever flown in a helicopter?
No, but my hubby wants to be a flight medic and I want to be a flight nurse, so someday I will!
What color is your warmest coat or jacket?
My coat that I bought two Halloweens ago, is shimmery black with a pink fuzzy lining. I still love it and don't plan on replacing it anytime soon, even though the left pocket has a huge hole in it!
What is your favorite rainy day activity?
A nice, long nap! If I can't do that, I'd either like to find a cozy place to curl up and read, or go to my favorite bookstore, find a comfy chair, and curl up to read for hours.
Main Course
Describe your hands.
TINY! Shorter fingers, 4.5/5 ring size on my wedding finger.
If you could eat only one nut for the rest of your life, what nut would you pick?
Hmmm....we had a pecan tree in the yard of our old house, and those were just delicious, so either those or walnuts.

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