Oct 31, 2006

you're just like an angel, your skin makes me cry

Mmmm....the house smells of cherry pie. I've been baking it for Chad, and it just came out of the oven. I know, baking this late? But he was craving it, and thus, I happily obliged! As long as I get a piece, I'm happy. We need vanilla bean ice cream to put over it, though - forgot that part.

So apparently, the car we're buying from his aunt and uncle is coming home tomorrow evening. I can't tell you how happy this makes me! Although, this now means I have to get a job, ha ha. I can't be a lazy bum/SAHW anymore. I was kind of getting used to the routine of chores, napping, knitting, and blogging. :)

Chad's car will be fixed, hopefully, in the next couple of weeks. Then finally we can have two working cars again, please Lord. All I want for Christmas is two working vehicles and two steady sources of income, happily obtained. Meaning, I would like a job that I won't despise like all my others. What on earth does one do for a living while in college that doesn't involve retail crap jobs or "Would you like fries with that?"

Looks like I'll be scouring the newspaper for the next couple of weeks. Maybe I should just open up the Mary Kay business I've been wanting to do for the past couple of years. Now's a good a time as any, I suppose, especially since now I'll have the startup money.

Is anyone else absolutely LOVING this fall weather?

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