Nov 1, 2006

what else can I do when all the tears have all been wasted?

So I merged my Blogger account with Google the other day, to get a Blogger Beta account. Let me just say how incredibly annoying this is. I can't post comments on non-beta Bloggers, and I'm not sure if non-Beta bloggers can comment on mine - among many other hassles. And of course, there is no "undo" function, I'm stuck with this.

Then, when I went to overhaul my site yesterday, when I went to go save my template in case I didn't find anything I liked (which I didn't of course), I went back to see my site and the colors and fonts had changed! I happened to be rather fond of my font, and now it's gone, never to be seen again. I'm sorely disappointed in this new beta business. I wouldn't recommend changing yours, fellow Bloggers, until all the "bugs" get worked out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bummer :( I have heard that Blogger Beta is a bit finicky. Hopefully they will get the bugs worked out soon!

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