Nov 3, 2006

silent night, holy night

I've recently acquired a large, I mean HUGE, amount of wedding supplies. Candles, arches, lighted arches, centerpieces, you name it - I've probably got it. I'm going to use some of it this summer when Chad and I have our "real" ceremony - well, that was meant to be a surprise, so....SURPRISE! - but I'm either going to sell it all, or do something I've thought about doing for ages. There are schools all across the country, particularly online, to give certifications and degrees in Event Planning. I sent for some information about it last summer and really considered it before I nailed down nursing. It wouldn't take long, and it's something I could really, really love doing. So basically what I'm saying is if there's anyone who would like to see pictures of the inventory, or would like assistance planning a wedding in the next year or so, let me know.

I'm still doing the nursing/college thing, no worries, but this is something I could do on the side still, and really throw my heart into and love if I so choose to go ahead with it. I'm not sure what I'll do yet, but the possibilities are there, and selling off everything may or may not be the best idea since wedding planning is an extremely lucrative career choice. But if anyone's interested, like i said, get ahold of me and I'll get you pictures and information. Maybe I'll start my own business now that Chad has, who knows?

In other news, the new car's new alternator is being adjusted, and the car should be ready to come home by Sunday. I'll be ready to go crazy if it doesn't. I'm getting reeeeeally tired of being in the house all the time, though I'm not complaining a bit to Chad about it.

My faither-in-law is really sick right now, any prayer would be appreciated. My in-laws are going through a really rough time, and are selling their house because of it, and just can't deal with any more trouble.

I'm heading to the doctors next week before the insurance runs out (if it hasn't already, please God) to get my eye prescription now that I'm going blind. I've put it off for months bc of the transportation issue, and now I can't see a dang thing. Also going to see a medical doctor for the insomnia/restless limb thing I've got going on. I can't sleep, and so I'm irritable and constantly tired. So hopefully those things will be taken care of immediately.

In other, OTHER news - IT'S NOVEMBER!! My favorite time of the year is increasing in joy - I absolutely adore the Thanksgiving/Christmas season. My housemates are basically refusing to let us put up a Christmas tree, but we're doing it anyway because we pay to live here too, and if they don't like it, they don't have to look at it. And no, neither is Jewish or atheist, just jerk. They're not ruining our traditions!

Alright, I'm off something. I'm sure I'll post something later....and I need to get on my first Thursday Thirteen post before the weekend starts -laughs-


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